Alessandro Cortesi
LIUC University Cattaneo
Graduated with honors in Business Administration from the Bocconi University of Milan; he holds a PhD at the same University and the International Teachers Program at the IAE in Aix-en-Provence.
He is Full Professor at the Cattaneo University – LIUC, where he teaches Accounting and Budget and Budget Analysis; he is director of the specialist degree course in “Business administration and freelance” and director of the CFO Master – Administration, Finance and Management Control Department. He taught Strategy and Corporate Policy from 1987 to 2012 at the Bocconi University in Milan.
He is registered in the Register of Chartered Accountants for the jurisdiction of the Court of Milan and is an Official Auditor.
He is enrolled in the register of Technical Consultants of the Civil and Criminal Court of Milan, for which he has held various positions, with the specialties “Company evaluations” and “Arbitration”. He has also carried out positions on behalf of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Monza, for the Civil and Criminal Court of Busto Arsizio, for the Arbitration Chamber of Milan.
He is a founding partner of Partners S.p.A. of Milan, where he carries out his professional and consultancy activities (on issues of “company evaluation”; “balance sheet”, “strategic planning”, “strategic and financial restructuring”; “company acquisitions”; in “transactions involving the entry of investors into company capital”; of “litigation support”; of “defense in civil and criminal matters of corporate officers”).
He is a director of Amplifon S.p.A. and Italtel S.p.A .; he is chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Ferragamo Finanziaria S.p.A .; statutory auditor of Mipharm S.p.A.
He is chairman of the Supervisory Body pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 of Esselunga S.p.A. and the San Raffaele Hospital. He is a member of the SB of Industrie Farmaceutiche Menarini S.r.l. and Risanamento S.p.A.
Former director / statutory auditor of numerous companies, including Risanamento S.p.A. (director), Vincenzo Zucchi S.p.A. (vice president of the Board of Directors), Mascioni S.p.A. (Chairman of the Board of Directors), Bonollo Distillerie S.p.A. (director), Imasaf S.p.A. (administrator); SNAI S.p.A. (Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors), Banca Italease S.p.A. (statutory auditor), PPG Univer S.p.A. (PPG Group – USA, Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors); Alitalia SAI S.p.A. (mayor); BCC Risparmio e Previdenza (statutory auditor); Takeda Italia S.p.A. (Takeda Group – Japan); Conbipel S.p.A .; Brugola Industriale S.p.A .; NMS Group S.p.A.
He is the author of over 250 publications, including the volumes: “The interpretation of the financial statements. Guide to the analysis of business results “, Egea, Milan, 1996; “Business acquisitions. Structures and processes for the creation of value ”, Egea, Milan, 2000; “The growth of small businesses. Mergers, acquisitions, agreements ”, Giappichelli, Turin, 2004; “Innovation and delocalization? Only sometimes. 24 cases of successful Italian companies in the new competitive scenarios ”, Pearson Education, Milan, 2007; “Auditing and Internal Auditing” with S. Fossati, P. Tettamanzi, I. Spertini, IPSOA, 2009; “Advanced Financial Accounting. Financial Statement Analysis – Accounting Issues – Group Accounts ”, with P. Tettamanzi, S. Castoldi, U. Scaccabarozzi, I. Spertini, Egea, 2015; “Accounting and Budget”, with C. Mancini and P. Tettamanzi, IPSOA, 2017; “State examination. Chartered accountants and accountants ”, with F. Ciovati, E. Montani, G. Ghelfi, G. Gini, C. Mancini and P. Tettamanzi, 8 ed., IPSOA, 2021.