Francesca Brunori
Degree in Economics and Banking at the University of Siena. She is Director at Credit and Finance area of Confindustria.
She is:
- member of the Board of Directors at Fondo Italiano di Investimento SGR Spa (Italian investment fund)
- member of the Board of Directors at Selda Informatica Scarl
- member of the Board of Directors of Previndustria Spa
- member of the Management Board of the the Guarantee Fund for SMEs (L.662 / 96, art. 2, paragraph 100);
- Chairman of Mediocredito Centrale Facilitation Committee
She covered different profiles:
- Chairman and Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Previndai Pension Fund
- Federconfidi-Confindustria Secretary General
- Member of the Board of Directors of Federconfidi Servizi Spa