Institutional Investors
In the shareholding structure of the 196 companies listed on EGM as at 31 May 2023, there are 132 Institutional Investors, of which 23 are Italian (equal to 17%) and 109 foreign (83%). France and Switzerland are the main foreign investors and are both present with 22 asset management companies, or 16.7%. Total investment is €776M (8% of capitalization), of which €414M (53%) is held by Italian investors and €362M (47%) by foreign investors. Among the most active investors: Banca Mediolanum (€83.5M, 79 investee companies), Algebris Investments (Luxembourg) SARL (€80.4M, 64 companies), Azimut Holding (€62.4M, 90 companies), First Capital (€59.0M, 21 companies).